
NDA GmbH operates this website to offer its services under the “New Defined Archetype” brand and to disseminate information on digital marketing in the form of white papers and document downloads. We also offer extensive career opportunities that allow us to collect information about applicants directly on the site.

We are aware of our responsibility and, even as a young company, try to act competitively in the market by constantly educating ourselves and trying to implement the regulations as well as possible. Nevertheless, we cannot control, even if we make comprehensive settings in processing, that third-party providers treat their data differently than shown on their websites and public statements. Should we be informed of such a circumstance, we will endeavor to take measures to counteract this as quickly as possible.

In the course of these purposes, personal data is collected for a specific purpose and to the required extent, including some personal data that is processed as follows:

Verantwortliche Stelle & Ansprechpartner Datenschutz

NDA GmbH, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria CEO: Ing. Andreas Kraus, MSc. Commercial and District Court Wiener Neustadt Email: [email protected]

DSGVO – Was ist das?

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a new EU regulation that replaces the EU data protection directive dating from 1995. The new regulation aims to significantly improve the protection of the personal data of EU citizens and to make businesses and public authorities subject to stricter requirements regarding the collection and processing of personal data. The GDPR will be published on 25. This will enter into force on 1 May 2018. The Regulation incorporates many of the requirements of the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive with regard to data protection and security or further development. In addition, several new provisions have been added, which strengthen the rights of data subjects and provide for more severe sanctions for violations. Whenever a data subject is about to provide personal data, data controllers (usually a company) must ensure that the data subject has given his/her prior consent. The GDPR also redefines the disclosure standards for obtaining consent. These must be expressed & voluntarily, for the specific case, in an informed and unambiguous manner”;. The persons responsible must address the data subjects in a β€œclear and simple”; legal language which & must be clearly distinguished from the other facts”;. Those responsible must also provide evidence that their processes are compliant with the rules and are always followed. Under the previous EU Data Protection Directive, the consent of a data subject could be inferred if his or her actions or omissions left no doubt as to his or her willingness to consent. The Directive thus allowed for the possibility of opt-out mechanisms. This will change with the GDPR, because now the person concerned must give his or her consent β€žin the form of a declaration or other clear affirmative actβ€œ. Your customers must therefore not be forced to give their consent or be kept in ignorance of their consent to the processing of their personal data. In addition, your customers must know exactly what they are giving their consent for and they must be informed in advance of their right to withdraw their consent. Obtaining consent presupposes a clear sign of consent – silence, already ticked boxes or inactivity on the part of the persons concerned do not constitute consent. In the future, it is therefore important that you inform your users sufficiently during the consent process. The Regulation also provides for two new rights for data subjects: a β€œright to be forgotten”/em>”, which obliges data controllers to inform recipients of requests for erasure, and a β€œright to data transferability”/em>”;, which allows data subjects to request a copy of their data in a standard format. These two rights make it easier for users to request the deletion of any information stored about them or the transmission of any information collected. Betroffene Personen hatten auch bisher schon das Recht, Zugang zu ihren Daten zu beantragen. Mit der DSGVO werden diese Rechte erweitert. In den meisten FΓ€llen werden Sie fΓΌr einen Antrag auf Auskunftserteilung keine GebΓΌhren verlangen kΓΆnnen, außer Sie kΓΆnnen beweisen, dass die dadurch entstehenden Kosten ΓΌbermÀßig hoch sind. Auch bei der Frist fΓΌr die Bearbeitung eines Antrags auf Auskunftserteilung gibt es eine erhebliche Γ„nderung. Die derzeit gΓΌltige Frist von 40 Tagen wird deutlich verkΓΌrzt. In bestimmten FΓ€llen kΓΆnnen Unternehmen die Bearbeitung eines Antrags auf Auskunftserteilung verweigern, etwa wenn der Antrag als offensichtlich unbegrΓΌndet oder unangemessen erachtet wird. Um einen Antrag zulΓ€ssig ablehnen zu kΓΆnnen, brauchen Unternehmen jedoch klare Richtlinien und Verfahren, und sie mΓΌssen begrΓΌnden kΓΆnnen, warum ein bestimmter Antrag den festgelegten Kriterien entspricht. (Vgl., 2020)Β, 2020)

Erhebung, Verarbeitung und Nutzung personenbezogener Daten

Sie kΓΆnnen unsere Seite besuchen, ohne Angaben zu Ihrer Person zu machen. Wir speichern – auch wenn der Besuch ggf. ΓΌber Newsletterlinks erfolgt – lediglich Zugriffsdaten ohne Personenbezug wie z.B. – den Namen Ihres Internet Service Providers – die Seite, von der aus Sie uns besuchen – den Namen der angeforderten Datei Diese Daten werden ausschließlich zur Verbesserung unseres Angebotes ausgewertet und erlauben keinen RΓΌckschluss auf Ihre Person.

Wann werden Daten erhoben?

Wir erheben Daten ausschliesslich zum Zwecke der Ausübung unserer GeschÀftszwecke oder zur Bereitstellung von Informationen unter vorheriger Einwilligung unserer Websitebesucher. Eine Nutzung der Website ohne Bekanntgabe von personenbezogenen Daten ist grundsÀtzlich mâglich. Sollten personenbezogene Daten erhoben werden, so werden diese nur im dafür notwendigen Ausmaß erhoben, abgefragt und verarbeitet sofern es erforderlich ist, um die Leistungen zu erbringen.

Erfassung von Informationen

Beim Zugriff auf unsere Website werden automatisch allgemeine Informationen erfasst. Diese Informationen lassen grundsΓ€tzlich keine RΓΌckschlΓΌsse auf die Person zu. Zu diesen Daten zΓ€hlen unter anderem das verwendete GerΓ€t, der verwendete Webbrowser, das Betriebssystem oder andere Γ€hnliche Betriebsdaten.

Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten

Bei der Nutzung gewisser Dienster unserer Webseite kânnen unter anderem Daten wie zum Beispiel Vor- und Nachname, Anschrift, Telefonnummer oder auch die Email-Adresse erhoben werden. Dies ist insbesondere bei Anfragen in Bezug auf unserer Dienstleistungen notwendig, um den Kontakt durch unsere Mitarbeiter herstellen zu kânnen. Diese Daten werden unter Einsatz aller notwendiger organisatorischer und technischer Sicherheitsmassnahmen vor Missbrauch geschützt. Dies bedingt unter anderem der Einsatz von aktueller Software, Verwendung von Pseudonymisierungsmaßnahmen oder auch Verschlüsselung beim Datentransfers über HTTPS (SSL-Zertifikat). Hierbei haben nur jene Mitarbeiter auf die Daten Zugriff, die diesen auch benâtigen. Alle Mitarbeiter werden einmalig und wiederkehrend in die Notwendigkeiten zur Beachtung der DSGVO eingewiesen.

Widerruf, Γ„nderungen, Berichtigungen und Aktualisierungen

Der Nutzer hat das Recht, auf Antrag unentgeltlich Auskunft ΓΌber die personenbezogenen Daten zu erhalten, die ΓΌber ihn gespeichert wurden. ZusΓ€tzlich hat der Nutzer das Recht auf Berichtigung unrichtiger Daten, Sperrung und LΓΆschung seiner personenbezogenen Daten, soweit dem keine gesetzliche Aufbewahrungspflicht entgegensteht.

Kontaktdaten im GeschΓ€ftsverkehr

Im Zuge der GeschÀftsanbahnung und der GeschÀftsabwicklung mit unseren Kunden speichern wir Kontaktdaten, Vertragsdaten, Bestelldaten, Verrechnungsdaten sowie die Korrespondenz. Rechtsgrundlage: Bei bestehenden KundInnen ist die Verarbeitung zur Erfüllung des Vertrages oder vorvertraglicher Maßnahmen notwendig. Bei potenziellen KundInnen berufen wir uns auf die Rechtsgrundlage des berechtigten Interesses an der GeschÀftsanbahnung. Im Kontext der Abrechnung von Leistungen sind wir aufgrund der Bundesabgabenordnung (BAO), des Unternehmensgesetzbuches (UGB) sowie des Umsatzsteuergesetzes (UStG) verpflichtet, die Daten zum Zwecke der Abgabenberechnung und Abgabenberichtigung sowie der uns treffenden Buchführungspflichten aufzubewahren. Ohne die Bereitstellung Ihrer Daten kânnen wir den uns treffenden Verpflichtungen nicht entsprechen. Lâschfristen: Die Daten bestehender KundInnen speichern wir solange das GeschÀftsverhÀltnis aufrecht ist. Nach Beendigung bewahren wir die Kontaktdaten maximal drei Jahre auf. Alle Verrechnungsdaten werden gemÀß den gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Aufbewahrungsdaten (meist für 7 Jahre) aufbewahrt werden und danach gelâscht oder anonymisiert. EmpfÀnger: Über unsere internen zugriffsberechtigten MitarbeiterInnen hinaus werden ausschließlich die Verrechnungsdaten an unsere Steuerberatung (und damit an Dritte) weitergegeben.

Rechtsgrundlage fΓΌr die Verarbeitung.

The provider may only process the personal data of users if one of the following points applies: The users have given their consent for one or more specific purposes. Note: In some legislations, the provider may be allowed to process personal data until the user objects to such processing (“opt-out”) without having to rely on consent or any of the following legal bases. However, this does not apply if the processing of personal data is subject to European data protection law;
  • die Datenerhebung fΓΌr die ErfΓΌllung eines Vertrages mit dem Nutzer und/oder fΓΌr daraus resultierende vorvertragliche Maßnahmen erforderlich ist;
  • die Verarbeitung ist fΓΌr die ErfΓΌllung einer rechtlichen Verpflichtung erforderlich, der der Anbieter unterliegt;
  • die Verarbeitung erfolgt im Zusammenhang mit einer Aufgabe, die im ΓΆffentlichen Interesse oder in AusΓΌbung ΓΆffentlicher Gewalt erfolgt, die dem Dienstleistungserbringer ΓΌbertragen wurde;
  • die Verarbeitung ist zur Wahrung der berechtigten Interessen des Anbieters oder eines Dritten erforderlich.
In jedem Fall gibt der Anbieter gerne Auskunft ΓΌber die konkrete Rechtsgrundlage, auf die sich die Verarbeitung stΓΌtzt, insbesondere darΓΌber, ob die Weitergabe personenbezogener Daten eine gesetzliche oder vertragliche Verpflichtung oder eine Voraussetzung fΓΌr den Abschluss eines Vertrags ist.

Bewerber auf Jobausschreibungen

Zum Teil erhalten wir von Bewerbern personenbezogene Daten in Bewerbungsschreiben oder andere Dokumenten, die uns im Zuge einer Bewerbung übermittelt werden. Hierzu kânnen unter anderem Name, Adresse, Telefonnummer, Hobbies und Interessen, sowie Qualifikationen in Zusammenhang mit der Berufsausübung stehen. Die Verarbeitung dieser Daten dient der vorvertraglichen Massnahme und werden nur maximal 6 Monate evident gehalten, um auf etwaige Rechtsansprüche beider Parteien reagieren zu kânnen. Sollte der Bewerber oder wir an einer lÀngeren Evidenz interessiert sein, holen wir eine Einwilligung über diese Maßnahme ein. Personenbezogene Daten, die in diesem Vorgang erhoben werden sind nur einigen wenigen administrativen Mitarbeitern, sowie Mitarbeitern der Führungsebene zugÀnglich.

Zugriffsdaten und Logfiles (Server)

Our website is hosted by World4You, which also provides our email server. With each access to our website the provider of the service collects so-called server log files. This includes the name of the website called up, date, time and file of the call. The amount of data transferred, the browser type, the operating system and the URL of the previously visited page are also logged. The data will be processed for statistical analysis only, whereby the right is reserved to subsequently check log data in case of suspected illegal use. You can find out more about the use of the data by the provider atΒ

Cookie Management

We manage our cookies fully automatically using Clickskeks – This allows us to directly offer a range of options to guarantee you a tailored experience in terms of collection and processing. [clickskeks]

Tools we use


ClickCease β„’ is a limited liability company incorporated under Israeli law and headquartered at 18 HaArba’a St, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel. If you reside or are located in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), ClickCease β„’ is the data controller for all personal information (as described below) collected through our website as set out in this Privacy Policy. We use ClickCease to optimize the quality of the paid traffic for our campaigns. How ClickCease uses and processes data can be found here:


By accepting our cookies, we set the β€œvisitor action pixel”; of Facebook Inc. 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (β€œFacebook”;). This allows us to track the behavior of users after they have been directed to our site by clicking on a Facebook advertisement. This is used to evaluate the effectiveness of Facebook Ads for statistical and market research purposes. By using this pixel, we can optimize our advertising commitments. All data collected through this is anonymous for us as the operator of the website. If you accept the cookie, however, you consent to Facebook storing and processing your data. This data can then be used by Facebook for its own advertising purposes. Conversion tracking by Facebook Ads (Facebook Pixel) is an analysis service from Facebook, Inc. that connects data from the Facebook advertising network with the actions carried out on this website. The Facebook pixel tracks conversions that can be traced back to advertisements on Facebook, Instagram and the Audience Network. For more information please visit:


The Mouseflow platform is 100% compliant with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) as set out by the European Union. We do our best to keep you and your visitors safe by aligning you with the industry’s best practices. We anonymize all IP addresses within the EU and do not track any keystrokes across all EU visitors (non-PII fields can be whitelisted). Your data is always isolated in either our European or United States data centers, based on where you sign up and is never transmitted or stored outside of the European Union or United States. (Mouseflow, 21.03.2022: Get more details about Mouseflows’ GDPR via:

Google Analytics

First of all, it must be said at this point that it is very difficult for companies in our industry to stay up to date. We are constantly trying to educate ourselves and to do justice to the current economic situation with all its fluctuations and the like. We take the well-being of our customers and the associated obligations very seriously, which is why we endeavor to pay particular attention to proper fulfillment/implementation, especially in critical areas. With regard to Google Analytics, we have followed various media reports and follow the currently recommended measures to make the tool compliant, see also, https :// At this point we would like to point out that our tool makes it possible to prevent the collection of data at any time and also to change it afterwards. Otherwise, we would like to draw your attention to the information provided by Google at


Mollie is a payment service provider that offers customers (e.g. webshops) the option of receiving online payments from their consumers (payers). Mollie B.V. is supervised by the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank – DNB) as a regulated payment service provider under Dutch law. With Mollie, customers can give their consumers the choice between different payment methods, such as bank transfer, credit card, postpay and other payment methods. So you can come into contact with Mollie if you have a webshop or want to use Mollie’s payment services for other reasons than when a user paid through a webshop or a website that uses Mollie’s services, or Mollie’s website (s) visit. For more information about Mollie, see the About Mollie page.


On our website we use social plugins from the social network Pinterest, which is operated by Pinterest Inc., 635 High Street, Palo Alto, CA, 94301, USA (β€œPinterest”). When you call up a page that contains such a plugin, your browser establishes a direct connection to the Pinterest servers. The plugin transmits data to the Pinterest server. This data may contain your IP address, the address of the websites visited, which also contain Pinterest functions, the type and settings of the browser, the date and time of the request, your way of using Pinterest and cookies. Further information on the purpose, scope and further processing and use of the data by Pinterest as well as your rights and options for protecting your privacy can be found in Pinterest’s data protection guidelines:


Our website uses functions of the social media network LinkedIn. The provider is the LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Each time you visit one of our websites that contains LinkedIn functions, a connection to the LinkedIn servers is established. LinkedIn is informed that you have visited our website with your IP address. If you click the LinkedIn buttons and are logged into your LinkedIn account, LinkedIn is able to assign your visit to our website to you and your user account. We would like to point out that, as the provider of the website, we have no knowledge of the content of the data transmitted or its use by LinkedIn. You can find more information on this in LinkedIn’s privacy policy at:

Google Ads

We use the remarketing function of Google Inc. on our site, which serves to address visitors within the Google Inc. advertising network again by means of advertisements and thus draw attention to certain contents. If you still do not wish to use Google’s remarketing function, you can deactivate it. Ads conversion tracking is an analysis service provided by Google Ireland Limited, which connects data from the Google Ads advertising network with the actions carried out on this website. Processed personal data: usage data; Tracker. Place of processing: Ireland – Privacy Policy.


Taboola, Inc., together with its affiliated companies (β€œTaboola”, β€œwe” or β€œour”), takes the protection of your personal information seriously. This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) describes how we collect, process, use and disclose the information and data that we collect through our website, or any other Taboola website that incorporates this Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Sites β€œ), our content discovery platforms, feeds, widgets, analytics tools, and other technical applications that we make available on third-party websites (collectively, the β€œContent Discovery Platform”), and Taboola’s News suite Content discovery tools available on mobile devices and operating systems (including the Starter line of products, collectively referred to as β€œTaboola News”) (collectively referred to as the β€œServices”). For more information please visit:

Bing Ads

We use Bing Ads and its functions for advtising and for measuring our success within digital marketing campaigns. For more information please visit:

Newsletter + CRM / Cleverreach +Β  HubSpot

In case you agree to receive our newsletter, you will be informed about current topics and offers of our agency. When you register for the newsletter, your personal data such as name and email address are stored and stored in our CRM and mail system. The consent can be revoked at any time. This cancellation can be made in the newsletter itself or by informing our support team. In this regard we are using Cleverreach and HubSpot to process data of our clients. Please checkout the following sources to get more information:


We use Typeform to collect various information from interested parties for various purposes. Sending the data is explicitly consented to. Typeform is a service provider and not the owner of the collected data. As a service provider, however, we process all types of data. For more information on Typeform:

Einbindung von Diensten und Inhalten Dritter

It can happen that within this online offer third party content, such as videos from YouTube, map material from Google Maps, RSS feeds or graphics from other websites are integrated. This always assumes that the providers of such content (hereinafter referred to as β€œthird party providers”;) are aware of the IP address of the users. This is because without the IP address they would not be able to send the content to the browser of the respective user. The IP address is therefore required for the display of this content. We make every effort to use only such content whose respective providers use the IP address only to deliver this content. However, we have no influence on this if the third-party providers have changed the IP address e.g. for statistical purposes. As far as this is known to us, we inform the users about it.

Beschwerderecht – Kontaktdaten der Beschwerdestelle

Austrian Data Protection Authority Wickenburggasse 8, 1080 Vienna – Austria Phone: +43 1 52 152-0 [email protected] Β§43 Abs 1 Z 4 DSG; Art. 13 Abs 2 lit d DSGVO


Wir haben Verarbeitungsprozesse, Register und Dokumentationen griffbereit, sofern du dein Auskunftsbegehren ordentlich begrΓΌndest.

Get in touch

Let’s talk and drink coffee.


