
Data Analytics.

We are driven – driven by data. Every action, every measure, every change must be justified. Smart markets find providers who understand their language, User Signals the language on the web, the attitude towards with digital content; correctly measured, interpreted and concluded.

We ensure your success by taking the right decisions on the basis of data.



Custom Tracking.

Web Analytics.

Web Scraping.

Custom Reporting.

Competitor Analysis.

Topic Monitoring.

Keyword Analysis.

B2b Lead Research.

Web Crawling.





Definition of KPIs

Depending on the respective company, different key figures serve to measure economic success. Depending on the structure of the website, the correct ones must be chosen.


Implementing measurement

Within the framework of the given parameters, we assess which approach we pursue and which signals we use as indicators of the correct user behaviour.


Account Configuration & Setup

In case all necessary accounts are not yet available, we set up the missing ones and configure necessary links for data exchange between the individual third-party tools.



Based on the customer's requirements and wishes, we use different reporting solutions to provide real-time campaign insights.


Analyses and reports can be very exciting. For the number fans among you we have summarized the most interesting projects.

“In the online world, we only have a few moments to provide an impression of our product or service to the customer.

Content creation is all about ensuring eye-catching features paired with style and brand conformity – a fine line.”

Andreas Treitl, MSc.


A small step for you – but a big one for us!
Let’s hit some conversions together.

Web Scraping.

Web scraping is a popular method of acquiring data and getting content from open sources with minimal efforts. Web scraping, when executed correctly can extract key data that will help any organization take optimum financial and marketing decisions.

Web scraping is the process of using bots to extract content and data from a website.

Unlike screen scraping, which only copies pixels displayed onscreen, web scraping extracts underlying HTML code and, with it, data stored in a database. The scraper can then replicate entire website content elsewhere.

Data Preparation

Do you want to get the maximum out of your product data?
Through optimally prepared product data, products are displayed in a more targeted manner, are better positioned and receive more clicks, since the potential buyer finds exactly what he is looking for.

Morbi gravida erat eget augue mattis rhoncus. Phasellus dignissim nunc vel eros elementum commodo. Etiam vel libero in mi lacinia consectetur mattis in diam. Maecenas fringilla vulputate ipsum eu bibendum. Vivamus rutrum ipsum ligula, vitae ullamcorper metus faucibus id. Donec magna nibh, faucibus in sodales euismod, porttitor at mi. Donec gravida odio felis, et scelerisque sem dapibus id. Quisque fringilla, lacus sit amet tempor condimentum, magna neque pharetra lacus, sit amet tincidunt arcu nisl et sapien. Maecenas at sodales eros. Curabitur at libero nec magna pharetra tincidunt pellentesque ut nibh.

Vestibulum quis blandit libero. Phasellus pharetra velit sit amet elementum sagittis. Aenean ante lorem, commodo ac odio a, porta bibendum augue. Sed massa diam, lacinia et accumsan sed, convallis non elit. Donec feugiat eros vitae leo porta iaculis. Pellentesque facilisis purus sit amet nulla aliquet, et egestas nulla fringilla. Mauris varius commodo quam, id tincidunt elit sollicitudin at. Nullam et libero nec urna porta condimentum finibus sed massa. Nunc a accumsan libero.

Internet Research

The internet is a gold mine of information for those conducting marketing research. Our internet research specialists will provide you with an in-depth analysis and detailed reports on industry trends, market news, competitor analysis, company performance, consumer preferences, purchase habits etc.

Morbi gravida erat eget augue mattis rhoncus. Phasellus dignissim nunc vel eros elementum commodo. Etiam vel libero in mi lacinia consectetur mattis in diam. Maecenas fringilla vulputate ipsum eu bibendum. Vivamus rutrum ipsum ligula, vitae ullamcorper metus faucibus id. Donec magna nibh, faucibus in sodales euismod, porttitor at mi. Donec gravida odio felis, et scelerisque sem dapibus id. Quisque fringilla, lacus sit amet tempor condimentum, magna neque pharetra lacus, sit amet tincidunt arcu nisl et sapien. Maecenas at sodales eros. Curabitur at libero nec magna pharetra tincidunt pellentesque ut nibh.

Vestibulum quis blandit libero. Phasellus pharetra velit sit amet elementum sagittis. Aenean ante lorem, commodo ac odio a, porta bibendum augue. Sed massa diam, lacinia et accumsan sed, convallis non elit. Donec feugiat eros vitae leo porta iaculis. Pellentesque facilisis purus sit amet nulla aliquet, et egestas nulla fringilla. Mauris varius commodo quam, id tincidunt elit sollicitudin at. Nullam et libero nec urna porta condimentum finibus sed massa. Nunc a accumsan libero.

Web Crawling

Web Crawling is an essential part to get traffic to your website and thus it is an important part of SEO and Digital Marketing Services. Just tell us what web data you need and let us take care of the rest.

A web crawler is a computer program that automatically searches the World Wide Web and analyzes web pages. We can support the collection of web feeds, email addresses or other information to make research processes faster. We would like to point out that the mere provision of this data does not entitle you to process it for other purposes.

Our activity is limited to the preparation and execution of crawling orders for the provision of information.

B2B Lead Research.

Our lead research service is designed to help you find leads that make sense for your company. This means researching those who are part of your target audience, gathering their contact information, and putting it together in a user-friendly format.


We support you in your market research activities and at all times observe the data protection parameters and only provide data that is visible on the internet. To do this, we use different software providers to ensure the integrity of the information.

Keyword Analysis.

The keyword analysis begins with the preparation for campaigns, texts, landing pages or simply with the assessment of the budget. Keyword research or keyword analysis refers to the search for meaningful keywords for which a landing page (website) or an entire domain is to be optimized. The aim is to rank in the SERPs for the right keywords and keyword combinations in order to get traffic to the page.

Keywords are useful if the search volume, the expected traffic and the strength of the competition “fit” – if a landing page or domain ranks after the (OnPage) optimization for the keywords.

Topic Monitoring.

Information-tight supports us in decision-making. On the one hand, this affects various topics that surround the world of our customers, but also the behavior of competitors and various market dynamics.

Especially in consumer-oriented businesses, ads can be used to react flexibly to situations and communications in the market with skilful monitoring. Using various online tools, we enable real-time monitoring of keywords and topics.

Competitor Analysis.

In order to be able to determine the positioning and the bid strategy, we evaluate all parameters related to the visibility of the competitors. Specifically, we research their positioning, their ranking, communication and use of advertising materials in order to be able to present a clear opposing position.

Particularly when it comes to identifying good or bad channels, good research can help you to draw conclusions about the prioritization of budgets.

With bid-based channels it is also important to know exactly about the position of the competitors in order not to offer too much or too little.

Custom Reporting.

Adapted to the needs of our customers, we configure reports and support you in calculating the profitability of your measures. For this we use Google Data Studio in combination with some extensions to ensure data exchange between the various channels.

The report is made available live and shows the most important key figures in the respective channels (Google, Facebook, etc.). The evaluation takes place of course in a personal conversation.

Marketing Intelligence

No – of course, we do not cover everything here. However, certain aspects are necessary to properly prepare for our work. As part of our research, we analyse the market and the competition so that we can position our clients perfectly.

Morbi gravida erat eget augue mattis rhoncus. Phasellus dignissim nunc vel eros elementum commodo. Etiam vel libero in mi lacinia consectetur mattis in diam. Maecenas fringilla vulputate ipsum eu bibendum. Vivamus rutrum ipsum ligula, vitae ullamcorper metus faucibus id. Donec magna nibh, faucibus in sodales euismod, porttitor at mi. Donec gravida odio felis, et scelerisque sem dapibus id. Quisque fringilla, lacus sit amet tempor condimentum, magna neque pharetra lacus, sit amet tincidunt arcu nisl et sapien. Maecenas at sodales eros. Curabitur at libero nec magna pharetra tincidunt pellentesque ut nibh.

Vestibulum quis blandit libero. Phasellus pharetra velit sit amet elementum sagittis. Aenean ante lorem, commodo ac odio a, porta bibendum augue. Sed massa diam, lacinia et accumsan sed, convallis non elit. Donec feugiat eros vitae leo porta iaculis. Pellentesque facilisis purus sit amet nulla aliquet, et egestas nulla fringilla. Mauris varius commodo quam, id tincidunt elit sollicitudin at. Nullam et libero nec urna porta condimentum finibus sed massa. Nunc a accumsan libero.

Web Analytics.

The web analysis includes all key figures that are necessary to interpret the quality of a user stream (visitors). We use different tools, mainly Google Analytics, to get a comprehensive overview and deep insight. We create the required segments and data views so that we can instruct our customers in a comprehensible and clear manner how well a measure works.

Custom Tracking.

We can find a large number of measuring instruments on the Internet. We use the world of Google – especially Google Tag Manager, to measure websites according to predefined standards and to set individual goals and data points for campaigns. It is particularly important to observe the GDPR based on the customer’s situation, which is why we also provide input on this. At the end of the day, the measurement should be implemented in such a meaningful way that a complete interpretation of the data is made possible.

Get in touch

Let’s talk and drink coffee.


