
Backslash Week 07 – News of the Week

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Week 07 has ended and a lot of interesting things happened throughout this period. We’ve got some fascinating news for you. First, we cover the topic of the new Snapchat feature that allows you to share your live location with your friends. Later on, we mention that Twitter is now offering its Safety Mode for more users. LinkedIn has also just added new elements to its Services Listings, so we summarized the key points. Moreover, YouTube outlined how it will prevent the spread of misinformation on its platform. Lastly, we provide a few insights on Instagram’s overview of its key ranking factors for posts, reels and stories.

Be sure to read on.


Snapchat is introducing a new live sharing feature that will allow users to share their position with selected friends in real-time via the Snap Map. The new Live Location feature allows you to share your location with one or more friends for 15 minutes, an hour, or eight hours at a time, giving them a direct method to know where you are. A meter at the top of the map display counts down the sharing time, and a live location is presented in your private chat window with your chosen connections.


Users will be able to stop location tracking without receiving a notification at any moment, ensuring that privacy concerns are addressed. The feature is also turned off by default, and you can’t share your real-time location with all of your Snap pals at once; instead, you can share it with your preferred connections one by one via each friend’s profile.


The idea is intended as a way of keeping young people safe in particular. Snap has partnered with It’s On Us, a nonprofit company dedicated to ending sexual assault on college campuses, to launch the feature. The hope is that by allowing Snap users to share their location in the app as they return home or to their dorm, the extra protection of having chosen friends monitor their steps will significantly improve personal security.


This might be quite advantageous, especially given the popularity of Snap among younger people. There are, however, disadvantages as well. Jealous couples might force their partner to divulge their whereabouts through the app, which could be troublesome if you let the wrong person track your whereabouts.


Snap hopes to avoid this by providing users control over who can see their activity, but there are possible negative consequences if it is misused.


Time will only tell whether this is misused or not, but in theory, it should allow people to keep track of their vulnerable friends and ensure that they arrive home safely. Snap users will be able to activate Live Location through their friends’ profiles in the app, where you’ll be able to customize how long each buddy may view your location.


Twitter has revealed that its new ‘Safety Mode‘ function is now available to more users after four months of testing. Safety Mode is basically a scaled-down version of auto-blocking, based on automatic system detection. Some users will now have access to ‘Safety Mode’ under the app’s ‘Privacy and Safety’ choices, which, as explained above, will autoblock highly risky accounts for 7 days.


In this regard, problematic accounts are those that use potentially harmful words, as well as those that have sent you numerous, unanswered replies or @mentions.


The idea is that this can assist users to avoid negative consequences – for example, if you’re getting a lot of negative responses to a contentious tweet (intentional or not), you can turn on Safety Mode, and Twitter’s computers will block those mentions.


And, because the Twitter outrage cycle usually lasts for only a few hours at a time, it’ll probably only take a day or two for things to calm down – so if you do make a mistake, the choice could help relieve some of the emotional stress that comes with on-platform pile-on and insults. Though it may also assist some users in avoiding accountability and the repercussions of their actions.


When an opinion or remark that seems rational or acceptable to you is misread, it can become stressful as the retweets and mentions increase, and you ponder the broader repercussions for your reputation or status. Most of the time, such mistakes don’t have long-term consequences, but most individuals don’t want to be the center of attention, so if you’ve made a bad decision, this could be a nice, short-term remedy.


LinkedIn has added two new aspects to its Services Pages, allowing freelancers and small businesses to list and be found for the services they offer on their LinkedIn profiles. LinkedIn’s Services listings, which were first introduced in 2019, are accessible in your profile set-up options and also connect to LinkedIn’s Services Marketplace for contract employees.


The additional aspects will provide you with more opportunities to give your services listings more legitimacy. For starters, LinkedIn will now allow users to link their LinkedIn Company Page to their Services listing.


According to LinkedIn:


“Service Pages are connected to your personal profile while LinkedIn Pages are associated with an organization. Linking your pages offers a direct path from your LinkedIn Page to your Service Page for potential clients to view the services you provide. Your linked Page information will also appear on your Service Page when viewed on desktop.”


So, if your small or medium-sized company or consultancy has a business page, you can now create a link between your Services display and that site. The page linking option is only accessible for single-admin LinkedIn Company Pages and is only accessible via the desktop version of the site at this time, despite the fact that it is aimed at small businesses. It’s essentially a way to build on your services listing and give your company and skills more context.


Furthermore, LinkedIn will also allow members to include a media showcase on their services sites. This area can be used to give potential clients a taste of what you can do by presenting some of your favorite press projects relating to your services. Again, this gives you more options for adding context and credibility to the presentation of your services by exhibiting more of what you do or how you’ve been acknowledged for it.


YouTube has released a fresh overview of its developing efforts to counteract the spread of misinformation through YouTube clips, which gives some light on the platform’s numerous issues and how it’s exploring its options for dealing with these concerns. It’s a serious problem, as YouTube, like Facebook, is frequently identified as a source of false and potentially hazardous content, with YouTube’s recommendations dragging users down ever-deeper rabbit holes of misinformation.


YouTube claims it’s working on it, and it’s focusing on three critical areas in this effort.


The first is identifying misinformation before it spreads, which YouTube says can be especially difficult with emerging conspiracy theories and disinformation campaigns because it can’t update its automated detection algorithms without a considerable volume of video to train its systems on.


YouTube says it’s looking into methods to improve its systems in this area and minimize the spread of harmful content as it emerges, particularly around breaking news items.


Cross-platform sharing and promotion of YouTube content outside of YouTube is the second area of attention. YouTube claims that it can make any modifications it wants to its app, but if people are re-sharing content on other channels or embedding YouTube material on other websites, it becomes more difficult for YouTube to control its spread, leading to further hurdles in controlling it.


Finally, due to different mindsets and approaches to information sources, YouTube claims it is expanding its anti-misinformation efforts worldwide. To account for regional nuance, the only way to address this is to hire more staff in each location and build more specific content moderation centers and processes. Even then, there remain questions about how limits might apply across borders – for example, should a notice displayed on content in one zone also appear in others?


Ultimately, there are no final answers, but it’s worth thinking about the various issues YouTube confronts as it attempts to improve its operations.


Looking to have a deeper understanding of the important aspects that influence the reach of your Instagram posts? Instagram gave an in-depth breakdown of the many parameters company considers when selecting how to rank feed posts, Stories, and Reels in each user’s feed last year. Instagram has now released some concise summaries of those variables, so you can keep them in mind as you develop your platform strategy.


To begin, we’ll look through the most important ranking indicators for feed posts and Stories:


Information about the post – These are signs about how popular a post is — for example, how many people liked it – as well as more basic information about the content itself, such as when it was uploaded, how long it is if it’s a video, and what location, if any, was associated with it.


Information about the author – This helps Insta figure out how interesting the person is to you, and includes things like how many times people have interacted with them in the last several weeks.


Your activity – This includes indications like how many posts you’ve liked, which helps Instagram figure out what you might be interested in.


Your history of interacting with someone – This tells the company how interested you are in seeing postings from that individual in general. If you don’t comment on each other’s postings, for example.


As Instagram competes with TikTok, Reels has its own algorithm. The TikTok algorithm is finely tailored to user interests, and as you scroll around the app, it will swiftly adapt to show you more of what you’re interested in, similar to how Instagram’s Reels algorithm is expanding. The focus elements have been re-ordered for Reels, so that your participation in the Reels stream takes precedence above information about the post and its author, as it does in the main feed. Based on Insta’s research these are the most important indicators for Reels:


Your activity – Instagram keeps track of things like which reels you’ve recently liked, commented on, and interacted with. These signals assist them in determining what content may be of interest to you.


Your history of interacting with the person who posted – Just like in Explore, it’s likely that the video was created by someone you’ve never heard of, but if you’ve interacted with them before, it tells the company how interested you are in what they’ve shared.


Information about the reel – This includes indications regarding the video’s content, such as the audio track, video comprehension based on pixels and full frames, and popularity.


Information about the person who posted – Instagram uses popularity to help find engaging material from a diverse range of people and to offer everyone an opportunity to reach their target audience.


With these fast overviews, Instagram hasn’t released any new information, but it’s worth noticing the differences, and it can be useful to keep these lists available while you contemplate ways to improve the performance of your Instagram material.


We truly hope you’ve learned something new today and become more familiar with the new features and updates of Snapchat, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube and Instagram.


Would you like to know more? We are always here to help you out! Feel free to contact us any time! Stay tuned, archetype!


Hutchinson, A. (2022, February 18). Snapchat adds new live location feature to help keep users safe. Social Media Today. Retrieved February 22, 2022, from

Hutchinson, A. (2022, February 15). Twitter expands new ‘safety mode’ auto-block option to more users. Social Media Today. Retrieved February 22, 2022, from

Hutchinson, A. (2022, February 17). LinkedIn adds new elements to its ‘services’ listings to help freelancers generate business. Social Media Today. Retrieved February 22, 2022, from

Hutchinson, A. (2022, February 17). YouTube outlines its evolving efforts to combat the spread of harmful misinformation. Social Media Today. Retrieved February 22, 2022, from

Hutchinson, A. (2022, February 17). Instagram shares new overviews of the key ranking factors for feed posts, stories and reels. Social Media Today. Retrieved February 22, 2022, from

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Backslash Week 07 – News of the Week

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